Racktables on Debian 12
I feel like every job has that one activity or event that is a kind of right-of-passage. For bartending it was being thrown to the wolves by working your first solo shift that wasn’t supposed to be a solo shift. It’s a daunting, not fun, deeply stressful, you’re in the weeds the whole time - but at the end of the day it is a very formative and informative expierence. One of the first tasks assigned to me at my new job was to document, clean-up, and organize the server room, specifically the networking rack.
Lets Get This Theme Going
Alright, off to the races. This will likley end up becoming more of a series of posts as I learn Hugo. So let’s get a list going of what I want to acomplish for this blog insofar as how I want it to look, work, navigate, bla bla.
Starting a Blog
Why Start a Blog? Or, I guess, what every they have become now. I mean, it’s not like I have all that much interesting to say, and I am not nearly the depressive wordsmith that I was in my teenage years (my livejournal still exists out there, I fear reading it).
However over the years of tinkering with FOSS/IT/Whatever I have noticed just how many times a single blog post from some personal website has ended up having the answer for whatever edge-case issue I am trying to solve - be it in the home-lab or at work…and well, I guess it’s high time I contribute.
Keeping track of projects, thoughts, and whatever else comes up in life…